Imagine for a moment that you won a prize. Each morning $86,400 is deposited into your bank.
BUT there are rules!
- You have to use all the $$ each day or lose it
- The $$ cannot be transferred to another person
- You are the only person that can spend it
- Each morning when you wake you get $86,400
- The bank can end the at any time and without warning
- If you close the account, you cannot get another one
What would you do if you had such an account?
The prize and bank account are real!
- Each morning you awake
- You have the gift of life
- Each day you get 86,400 seconds
- When you go to sleep your account is cleared
- You wake up again to a new 86,400 seconds
- What will you do now with your 86,400 seconds
What are you doing with your time?